Over the centuries Dunderave Castle has had a number of renovations and refurbishments as it evolved through time.
Restoration History
Over the centuries Dunderave Castle has had several reincarnations as owners have added their own stamp or had to completely renovate the building.
Now a Grade I building the castle looks ready to last a few more centuries.
The origins of the present day site seem to stem from the owners moving to the plot after their previous castle suffered from a plague and had to be abandoned.
When the MacNaughton clan chief began the construction in the 1590s it was all about the castle reflecting his status and power. While the MacNaughtons retained ownership of the castle it seems to have been held in good hands and properly looked after.
But the decision by the MacNaughtons to fight on the side of the Jacobites was ultimately harmful to them and the castle. When the Jacobites were defeated at the Battle of Dunkeld in 1698, the MacNaughtons lands were confiscated and given to rival clan, The Campbells.
It seems that the Campbells ultimately cared less for Dunderave Castle and over the years it fell into a state of complete disrepair.
By the early 20th century it no longer had a roof and was crumbling towards its foundations. Fortunately for the castle it was purchased by Sir Andrew Noble who commissioned Robert Lorimer to sympathetically restore the site.
The greatest care was taken with the siting of new wings which were kept low as not to detract from the character of the old castle which was interfered with as little as possible. Stone slabs were used for the roofs while the turret roofs were given a subtle bell-cast.
These wings were grouped to suggest a courtyard, but left open so that a view into the L-plan of the tower was offered from the approach.
When Barry Weir took over the castle in the late 1980s he had to undertake his own refurbishment programme.
He said: 'It was beautiful castle but needed a lot of work. As a Grade I listed building we had to be incredibly careful to be sympathetic in the work we carried out.
'There was an awful lot of work to do but we saw ourselves as custodians of this historic castle and were keen to ensure that any work was properly done and would last for a long time.
'To turn the castle into a luxury boutique hotel was quite a job. We used very skilled labour who had great expertise in restoring historic buildings.
'It's an honour to be part of the history of the castle and to know that the work we carried out will help ensure it remains in good shape long after we are gone.'